Ten Cents Worth

Posted By on September 9, 2009

1. The most important words in the English language are please, thanks, and sorry. If you can learn to use them regularly, your life will go more smoothly, you’ll have less need to make excuses, and people will like you better. Use them, and mean them.

2. Christians: when sharing your faith, ask yourself what your goal is. Do you want to win an argument, or do you want to help someone to know God? Putting the other person in his place will rarely soften his heart.

3. People you like will sometimes be wrong, and people you dislike will sometimes be right. Listen, and think, before forming your opinion.

4. Don’t assume that people are stupid if they don’t believe what you believe or know what you know. It’s usually better to overestimate them than to underestimate them.

5. Keep a toolbox with basic tools. Every home should have at least two screwdrivers (flat head and phillips), a hammer, needle nose pliers, a box of nails, and a box of screws. If you are moving into your first apartment, buy these tools before you buy a television set.

6. Education is worthwhile for its own sake. Many people will tell you it isn’t worth it unless it will get you a career, but they’re wrong. Whether you go to college or not, spend your whole life learning.

7. Intelligence is not the same thing as superiority. You are not better than those who are less knowledgeable or less intelligent than yourself. You are not inferior to those who are more knowledgeable or more intelligent. You have value because you are a human being. So do all other humans, from the rocket scientist to the disabled baby.

8. Have patience. This life is short, and what is to come is eternal.

9. Avoid credit. It isn’t worth the stress or the self-deceit.

10. Give kindness. It doesn’t cost you anything to say a kind word or help someone out, but it can turn around the whole day for the other person.

Go ahead and post your own Ten Cents Worth, either here or on your own blog. If you post on your blog, please post the url to your post here in the comments.


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