He Wrote the Songs

Posted By on March 6, 2009

I’ve been around forever,
Since I wrote my very first song.
I put the products and the melodies together;
I wrote jingles,
And I wrote the songs.

I wrote the song that all the Peppers sang.
I wrote the song that made it through the rain.
I wrote the song where we broke down and cried.
Like a good neighbor, I wrote songs.

My home lies deep in Brooklyn,
And I’ve sung about your toilet bowl.
I’m stuck on Band-Aids; they heal me.
I sold Stridex, when I wasn’t very old.

I wrote the song that all the Peppers sang.
I wrote the song that made it through the rain.
I wrote the song where we broke down and cried.
Like a good neighbor, I wrote songs.

I am your hope, I am your chance. You’re lookin’ hot — do you wanna dance?
And I call it rock and roll, so you can, too.
You deserve a break, so get up and get away.
Run to me, I’m your man.
Get the feeling again.
Have some deep fried KFC.

I wrote the song that all the Peppers sang.
I wrote the song that made it through the rain.
I wrote the song where we broke down and cried.
Like a good neighbor, I wrote songs.

I wrote the song that all the Peppers sang.
I wrote the song that made it through the rain.
I wrote the song where we broke down and cried.
Like a good neighbor, I wrote songs.

I wrote jingles, and I wrote the songs.


5 Responses to “He Wrote the Songs”

  1. Did YOU write that? Its’ really good.

    And did Neil Diamond die, or something? It almost seems a tribute to him or someone like him.

  2. Thanks. šŸ™‚
    It was just kind of half parody, half tribute to Barry Manilow, because I like his songs, and I got a line stuck in my head so I figured I’d go with it.

  3. Lee says:

    Grrr I shouldn’t have followed the link. Now the song is stuck in my head!!!

  4. Barry Manilow! Of course.

    I’ve been working on a new song…

    “I write the songs that make the young girls puke….” What do you think? Good so far??

  5. Hahahaha… I still think his best work ever was the Band Aid song!

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