Just Talk

| March 8, 2021

The vast majority of us like to talk more than we like to listen. A lot of time, listening looks a lot more like waiting to speak. As we grow in maturity, we learn to shut our mouths and listen to others with interest, even when we’re not really interested in what the other one […]

Morning Praise

| September 27, 2018

  Jesus My Deliverer,My Delight,My Daily Bread  

St. Anthony to the Rescue

| October 2, 2009

My Charming and Patient Husband has to carry a cell phone for his second job, driving dialysis patients to their appointments. Unfortunately, a month ago he lost the cell phone and we’ve struggled to find it, to no avail. This week, there were hints of threat from the boss regarding his finding it; it really […]

A Faith without Buzzwords

| March 20, 2009

The other evening, Hypertot and I were saying evening prayers, when he contributed this: “God, if our whole family dies, please take our whole family to live with you.”

Daily Bread

| August 2, 2008

A thought:How often do I say “Give us this day our daily bread”?How often do I go to daily Mass and receive Communion? Hm. Maybe I need to work on that.

Thought for the day

| June 2, 2008

Prayer should always be an act of love. If I pray self-righteously, I’m doing it wrong.

Thought for the day

| May 29, 2008

When you feel like the gopher the cat dragged in, stop and ask yourself: is there anything in your life that is not a blessing from God? Now stop laughing as you think about that thorn in your side, that that couldn’t possibly be from God, and remember Job’s words. The Lord gives, the Lord […]


| April 12, 2008

I admit, I went way too long without the sacrament. About 7 months, and for at least the last few, I needed it. You see, I was angry and lethargic, and it was hard at one point not to blame God. But that wasn’t the really rough part. You see, I got over the anger. […]

Time to Heal

| September 23, 2007

There are some things it’s always time for. Healing and forgiveness in particular.Today’s first reading told us this: Hear this, you who trample upon the needy and destroy the poor of the land! “When will the new moon be over,” you ask, “that we may sell our grain, and the sabbath, that we may display […]

Blessed Be the Name of the Lord

| September 1, 2007

Which is easier to say when He helps. And He has. And things are finally looking like we’re going to climb out of this hole. We’re going to be able to save the house, for which I am more grateful than I can express… but I’ll try. For the sake of privacy, I am not […]