Rest in Peace, Farrah.

| June 25, 2009

An era has truly ended.

Stellar Math Moments

| June 22, 2009

I guess you get ’em where you can find them. Hyperlad: Mom, what’s one eight zero zero? Me: Eighteen Hundred, or- Hyperlad: No, it’s one eight hundred! (pause) I learned that from a commercial! Me: Yeah, I suspected.

Growing Onions

| June 16, 2009

I’m a big fan of gardening for increased self-sufficiency. One of my favorite things to grow is something that provides food without costing anything extra. Green onions are perfect. You buy green onions anyway, right? Next time you buy them, use only the green parts and then take the white bulb parts and bury it […]

A letter to divorced Catholics

| June 14, 2009

Dear Friend, I know it hurts, and I know you may feel alone. Catholics aren’t supposed to divorce, right? Everyone around you is happily married, and you’re struggling, juggling, and really working hard at life. It feels sometimes like nobody gets it, and maybe everyone is judging. I want you to know that you are […]

Note to self

| June 14, 2009

When the priest asks a question during his homily that begins with “who knows…” don’t raise your hand.

Homeschooling Promoted

| June 6, 2009

Or, perhaps I should call this post “How an anti-homeschool combattant pushes homeschoolers more firmly into their corner.” One thing that many fighters never seem to realize is that there are times when the more viciously you fight, the more strongly you make your opponent cling to his position.  When you give a logical argument, […]

Thoughts about Love

| May 28, 2009

He loves you. He always has, and will never stop. You do not have to earn His love, and you do not have to be perfect. Some people will give you the idea that you have no inherent value, but it is not true. God made you, and that makes you incredibly valuable. That makes […]

Heard around the House

| May 25, 2009

Covarr: Hyperlad, you didn’t flush. Hyperlad: That’s ‘cuz I wasn’t going potty. Covarr: Then what were you doing in there? Hyperlad: I was just seeing if the toilet paper would stick to the ceiling.

Heard Around the House

| May 22, 2009

(Note: since Hypertot is now 5 and a preschool graduate, maybe he’s more lad than tot?) Hyperlad: Why did the chicken cross the park? Me: To get to the other slide? Hyperlad: No, it was a park without a playground. Me: Ok, why? Hyperlad: To slide in the frozen north!

| May 21, 2009

Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? – Jesus